Time Management 3


Well we have entered into another year and I am quite sure that many of us have resolved to do better than we did last year. The New Year will obviously bring in new challenges. I think of the school kids starting a new grade or form. New subjects, new teachers, new everything. I believe that with all these changes taking place we must never lose sight of our purpose in life as Christians.This year I would like to begin by challenging us all to manage our time around the will and plan of God for our lives. Ephesians 5:15 - 16 says ‘‘See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is.’’Make sure that you take time to evaluate your time management. The enemy can fool us into making bad use of our time, making us less effective for the kingdom of God.That’s why it is important to put a value to our activities and tasks. To do this I suggest you begin by the following
  • Set out your goals for the week, month or year
  • Value each goal defining those which are most important
  • Prioritize your goals based on their importance (Value)
  • Schedule your week. Month or year devoting more time to tasks and activities which are most important and beneficial(valuable)
This will help you identify where you should be spending most of your time and it will also help you to see what activities will benefit you the most. So remember to be wise as you set your goals for the year put first those things which will enrich you and equip you to be a blessing for the Kingdom of God.

Till next time
God Bless

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